The 2nd Place and Silver Medals of the Healthcare Mini Football Cup 2024 Go to Aristo Pharma Team
For the first time, Aristo Pharma Moscow office opened its doors to young people who have completed their school or university education. The internship program was organized by the management team for four students who wanted to gain new experience in the office work and, or course, a glimpse into the world of Aristo Phrama. They all started between the end of June and the beginning of July and are working for different periods of time - some for a month, others for 45 to 60 days. They are gaining insights into the aread of financial accounting, marketing, product management, business development, administration and logistics.
We briefly interviewed our young professionals to get to know them better:
1. Charlotte has been living in the Netherlands for three years and is studying biotechnology at Utrecht University. She plans to continue her studies with a Master degree in London. Charlotte speaks three languages fluently and has been learning Chinese for 10 years. She loves running and traveling, preferably by bike - a clear advantage in the Netherlands. At Aristo Pharma Moscow office Charlotte was able to get a taste of the marketing and business development department.
2. Peter has lived in Cyprus for many years since the age of five and attended school there. He is now planning to study economics at the University of Vienna. He used to train in the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun and even won the trophy for the first place in competitions! Today Peter enjoys playing team games such as soccer and basketball, tennis and table tennis. He speaks English, German and Greek. Within a month Peter successfully mastered the reception area while our receptionis was on vacation - a great achievement! At the moment Peter continues to support his colleagues in the administration department.
3. Alexander is a student at Kosygin Russian State University (technology, art and design), enjoys reading and playing computer and table games. Alexander considers himself a hardworking, curious, friendly and very responsible person. At Aristo Pharma Alexander is temporarily supporting his colleagues in the finance department, where he is doing very well and learning quickly.
4. And another Alexander: he is the youngest intern in the group. He has completed the 10th grade at a school in Moscow. Alexander is a music enthusiast and plans to study and build a professional career in the music business. He enjoys reading, cooking, skiing and swimming. Alexander collects records and books for his home library of world literature. He describes himself as creative, goal-oriented and inquisitive. Alexander is assigned to the administration department, where he temporarily takes care of the courier services and shipments within Moscow.
The team of Aristo Pharma Moscow office is happy to welcome new faces. We do our best to make the interns' first working experience as positive as possible and wish them good luck for their further studies and the very important process of choosing a career! And perhaps we will see each other again in our office at some point.