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ReJump Launch for erectile dysfunction treatment

Лонч препарата для лечения эректильной дисфункции

One more new product was launched by Aristo Pharma in 2022 – the first batch of ReJump (active ingredient Sildenafil) was delivered to Russia in May. ReJump is a modern medicine in form of mouth rapidly dissolving tablets for erectile dysfunction treatment.

Due to the rapid absorption by the oral mucosal membranes and fast process of the active ingredient entry into the bloodstream, ReJump gained the obvious advantage among its numerous competitors in the dosage form of tablets. The more detailed information is available on the website.

Resulting the year-end sales we may definitely say that this product easily and fast achieved its targeted audience and got its confident place on the pharmacies shelves. We are glad to see the constantly growing sales trend confirming the stable demand for this product. At the moment the deliveries of ReJump are sustainable and regular. We wish ReJump great success and high demand, and its consumers – good luck and self-confidence!

Please read the instructions before use, be aware of contraindications
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