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Where did the Blemaren® drug production facility move?

In the middle of last year Aristo Pharma received a permit to transfer production of Blemaren®, effervescent tablets No. 80 to Medinsa plant (Laboratorios Medikamentos Internationals, SA)., Spain a modern facility with state of the art equipment. Medinsa plant has 240 employees, who produce 25 million packages of pharmaceuticals every year on an area of ​​6.000 m². Medinsa uses modern equipment and the latest software in the method development and analysis. Fully operational and GMP compatible equipment improves workflow and optimizes all procedures and methods. It is in this plant that Blemaren® has been produced for the European market for the recent 10 years. In 2019, Medinsa plant successfully passed an inspection by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for compliance with rules of good manufacturing practice and received a Russian GMP certificate.

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