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Aristo Glossary

Medical terms explained in simple English.


One of the first places among pain syndromes in neurological practice is occupied by back pain. According to a number of authors, during the year 76% of the population experiences back pain (BP), while severe pain is noted in 7% of cases, and about 9% of the population loses the ability to work due to pain of this localization. It is this type of pain that occupies a leading position in the structure of medical aid appealability. Acute BP is observed at least once in almost every person, in 15–20% it transforms into long-term (up to 2 months), in 10–20% - into chronic pain, which causes long-term disability. Back pain is a symptom, not a disease. Epidemiological studies have shown that in Russia, 35–90% of the adult population has had at least one episode of back pain during their lifetime. The most common localization of back pain is lower back pain (LBP). LBP syndrome is understood as pain that is localized between the XII pair of ribs and the gluteal folds. According to World Health Organization (WHO) experts, the prevalence of LBP in developed countries reaches the size of a pandemic and is a serious medical and socio-economic problem. This is the second most frequent reason for visiting a doctor after respiratory diseases, and the third one in terms of the frequency of hospitalizations. LBP develops more often between the ages of 20 and 50.

Source: Sadokha K.A., Golovko A.M., Krotov V.V. Back pain: causes, diagnosis, treatment, modern view of the problem. Medical news. - 2018. - No. 1. - P. 63–68.

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